Find a rental car at Cagliari - Elmas Airport

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    Acconsento che i miei dati personali vengano utilizzati da questo sito web in accordo con la Privacy Policy / I agree that my personal data will be used by this website in accordance with the Privacy Policy. / J'accepte que mes données personnelles soient utilisées par ce site web conformément à la politique de protection de la vie privée.
    Dichiaro di aver letto e di accettare i termini e condizioni di noleggio / I declare that I have read and accept the rental terms and conditions. / Je déclare avoir lu et accepté les conditions de location.
    Sono a conoscenza del fatto che: In caso di deposito in contanti o con carte ricaricabili o carte di debito , il pagamento sarà anticipato più deposito cauzionale pari a 300,00 Euro, solo per i gruppi B-C-C1-D-D1 - In questo caso sono obbligatorie le assicurazioni SuperKasco e SuperFurto. / I'm aware that: In case of deposit in cash or with rechargeable cards,o credit card debit the payment will be in advance plus security deposit of 300,00 Euro, only for groups B-C-C1-D-D1 - In this case SuperKasco and SuperTheft insurance are compulsory. / J'en suis conscient : En cas de dépôt en espèces ou avec des cartes rechargeables,débit de carte de crédit ,le paiement se fera à l'avance plus une caution de 300,00 euros, uniquement pour les groupes B-C-C1-D-D1 - Dans ce cas, l'assurance SuperKasco et SuperTheft sont obligatoires.
    Sono a conoscenza e ho capito che la mia non è una vera prenotazione ma una richiesta di disponibilità del veicolo per le date di mio interesse e al costo che ho visualizzato. / I know and understand that mine is not a real reservation but a request for availability of the vehicle for the dates of my interest and at the cost that I have displayed. / Je sais et comprends que la mienne n'est pas une véritable réservation mais une demande de disponibilité du véhicule pour les dates qui m'intéressent et au prix que j'ai affiché.
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    Do you want more information on our car park? Contact us using the following form.

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      Contact us now. We will be happy to respond to your requests for information about our services or our cars.


      We have been operating successfully in the car rental sector for years. Our strong point is the ability to successfully combine a quality car park, courtesy and customer service, and excellent value for money.

      We offer our customers the best possible assistance, and if requested together with the rental you can also take advantage of the following optional services:

      • Personal insurance and passengers
      • SuperFurto insurance
      • SuperKasko insurance
      • Satellite navigator TOM TOM
      • Baby seat

      In our Box inside Cagliari Airport - Elmas you can also rent cars in cash without the use of a credit card.